Reliability !

It was a long day, I was in one of the largest home loan lending agencies talking with their central IT team on Enterprise Integration (EI).  Towards the evening, we gathered for a dinner where we had a very interesting topic to discuss in a micro-brewery off the office hours. 

With a beer in hand, we started talking about how consistent the beer taste in the brewery we were in.  The topic suddenly changed to reliability and consistency of the plant and operations around the same.  We both did not even blink an eye before we realized we were talking about reliability factor that fills major part of the enterprise integration.  

When I mentioned my experience with him on the legacy systems that we worked in the past and the consistent behaviour & reliability the system exhibited, we simultaneously nodded our head in agreement that we had less support staff to fix and less tickets for quick fixes because the systems were crafted instead of building.  We also agreed on a point that even in today’s distributed computing ecosystem, we still can build highly reliable system and its just that we need right design in place.

Waitress was happy to serve us 3rd round of Mugs, and we were venting out our long day’s stress. 

Isn’t it true?, A demanding Digital Economy needs a best possible support of IT practice.  And an IT practice with a right integration product must meet important Reliability Objectives such as

  • Perform Consistently
  • Possess Fault Tolerance
  • Assure Quality
  • Promote Customer Trust & Satisfaction
  • Be Compliant with Standards
  • Support Regular Maintenance & Updates
  • Possess Durability
  • Exhibit and Stand with High Availability 

I am very much convinced that the right EI (Enterprise Integration) in an industry with a right design always induce the collateral benefit to their end customers. Happy to seed this topic here!!

Commonly Addressed as : En See

Name : Prashanth NC

Interests : EI, EAI, Business Solutions, Growth, Customer Success, Public Speaking, Child Education, NGO Volunteer, Carpentry, Chilled Beer

Badge : 9